I feel 100% confident you can find a Way better folding tutorial online, probably youtube. But, I had several people ask me when I posted to the PDF Patterns group. So, here goes. I bought a pure ton of chip board to use for a project and I sent my husband to get it. It was totally not what I thought it was and years later, I finally found a use for it. It is a very light weight chip board, it’s very close to the weight of a cereal box! So, save those cereal boxes if you use them, they can come in handy!The measurements are 9x12. I use my 6” arcrylic cutting ruler and just make one cut in half.

The measurements are 9x12. I use my 6” arcrylic cutting ruler and my paper rotary cutter and just make one cut in half.
Fold selvedge to selvedge and then again.
Keep flipping until you get to the end. I fold anything I can fit round that board a whole time to keep my scrap bins from overflowing! So, they aren’t all perfectly the same height. I also pay some littles to help me so again, they aren’t all perfect (which stretches me) But, I like them to learn to be good workers!
When you get to the end you are going to tuck that last piece in, press it down and stick a pin in the top! Voila done!

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